I think Scan are listening to what people want and this guarantee's customers to get the G0 stepping over the B3 one so Scan are doing a good service that many places don't as it would be pot luck in buying a Q6600. To say people are kissing their backside is totally rubbish. I have over the last few weeks been critical of Scan and they have resonded sometimes to my satisfaction and sometimes not (saying that 90% is City-Link Related) and I think it's great that they listen. Free shipping is also good as most IT retailers are pretty expensive for shipping. At the end of the day Scan are in the business of making money and it would be stupid to say otherwise but they do it better than most in terms of support and pricing. Whilst I'm not always happy with Scan most of the time they try to resolve problems but nothing is perfect. Now get my joystick replacement sent out...