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Thread: Who's still playing WoW then?

  1. #1217
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    I guess it might be experience then..

    Some of the quest texts are a bit rubbish though - "go speak to x, who resides to the east of here.."

    Yes, east, on the other side of the sodding continent!


    I think I might just say sod it and grind to 20, these first quests are a bit dull..

  2. #1218
    Bah Humbug. Dooms's Avatar
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    Only got my BE Priest to 6 so far and all seems about normal speed leveling wise.

    XP gains and quests in outland are REALLY easy tho... 10K XP for a quest that invovles killing 10 lvl 58 and collecting 15 random things off the floor.

    Last night I got 8K XP for getting a quest off someone that involved talking to the person 10steps away.

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    After 3 days of delays i will hopefully be getting my copy today.

    everything from teh wife saying she is busy to the gales yesterday have blocked me picking up my copy from the post office. Got some catching up to do - oh did you guys see that person who made lvl 70 in 28hrs lol.

    grrr x100000000

  4. #1220
    Bah Humbug. Dooms's Avatar
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    28h /played from 60 to 70

    he had the full 40man guild behind him power leveling him using the basic Tag + let the guild kill it tactic. So as a mage, he aoe'ed a lot of mobs and then ran to the next. With the guild healers and tanks behind him
    Video can be found

  5. #1221
    Gadget Victim zhenboy's Avatar
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    Stop Nerfing Warlocks!!!

  6. #1222
    Bah Humbug. Dooms's Avatar
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    lol i know the lock nerf was a bit of a bastard resently... not only did they nerf Fear (12 seconds with LOTS of break) and they also reduced Fel guard dmg they also nerfed DoT's without patch notes... (quoted from what i posted on guild forums last week)

    For those that didnt know / notice blizzard have made some sneaky changes to our DoT.... In fact its a bitch of a nerf.

    Here some info I've found...

    Click for Original thread

    This is blue replies to the community.

    Q u o t e:
    Nathaera posted that the DoT nerf is indeed true and that its around 10%. This is a LIE!

    The dot coefficient went from 120% (from 100% that its been since release of the game) to 93%

    That's a 27% percent nerf, not a 10%. On top of that, its now even lower then its EVER been. ?

    I don't know offhand exactly what Naethara said, but the 10% damage reduction refers to the total damage the affected spells deal after the nerf (if you have approximately tier 3 quality amounts of spell damage gear, less if you have less), not the amount the bonus coefficient was reduced by. I don't believe that warrants calling it a 10% nerf a "lie".

    Q u o t e:
    Spells which take 3.5 seconds to deliver their damage (cast time) get 100% of the damage. So why do spells that take 18 seconds to deliver their damage not even get a full 100% of the +damage

    Because the spell didn't take you 18 seconds to cast. Considering the actual combat time invested is generally 1.5 seconds (global cooldown), you're actually getting far better damage scaling from these spells than ordinary spells (varies somewhat depending on how much of the total duration you assume the spell effectively lasts for on average). Possibly too much still, we'll see.

    Q u o t e:
    On top of ALL this, there is NO mention of the DoT nerf in the patch notes. So other then the post where Nath confirmed this, this is still a silent change.

    VERY unproffesional.

    Unfortunately, changes we make near the very end of the patch process often don't get into the patch notes since the patch notes have already been sent off for translation in other regions and/or because a change to the patch notes is a change to the client, which is more time consuming for QA to re-test than a server-side change.

    So, since it's not entirely uncommon for us to wait until the near the end of a patch to make final balance changes, it's not entirely unusual for some of them to be absent from the patch notes. That being said, would it really have made you ok with the change if it had been in the patch notes? Do you actually believe we feel the need to "sneak" a nerf in? I mean really...

    If it helps I'm happy to say it, DoTs were (and some/all possibly still are) OP.

    Q u o t e:

    There are now reports that affliction spells (dots, fear) ie. the things that MAKE the warlock class are getting HEAVILY more resisted. A player on the warlock boards posted a screenshot of a GM saying that this is intended by the developers. Many other players have noticed it too.

    This AGAIN is another silent nerf for the warlock and frankly, though the DoT nerf may have been needed (although only back to 100% not this new 93%) the affliction resist was NOT needed.

    I would link you the post but the search function on these boards does not work.

    So these are two major silent nerfs done to the warlock community and we have had NO official response to this whatsoever. This is unacceptable and highly unprofessional.

    Previously, dots in general were 1/10th as likely to be resisted as normal spells. That has been fixed, they're now as likely to be resisted as other spells. Please let us know whether there's any reason to believe they aren't working this way.

    There is then more information found HERE

    Ok I spent over 4hrs today testing various things about dots and the change. I actually just read the post by the Dev acknowledging that things have changed. It was obvious for most of us that things had changed but I will just lay out by how much from my test/experiences.

    Dot Resist (landing the spell) - After 1000 dot cast, and 1000 DD cast I can say with pretty much a 100% certainty that they have the exact same resist rate as DD spells. Now here is the part they are not telling you.... They seem to be acting as DD spells for the entire duration of the spell. Each tick representing it's own resist check, and the bad thing is spell penetration is NOT working after the dot lands. They are probably not coded to work well with dots because dots really didn't need much spell penetration.

    So Spell Penetration helps in landing the spell but not dot resist ticks.

    Dot Resist (dot damage ticks) - It seems that 60 resist is giving over a 25% resist rate now on dots. So if your dot does 1000 damage after damage gear (I am just using small numbers for simplicity), if the person you cast it on is wearing 60 resist they will resist about 25% of the damage from your dot. Putting it at around 750 total damage done. This wouldn't be to much of a problem is spell penetration was actually working with our dots but from the test I could run I didn't notice it helping on anything but the initial cast. 100 shadow resist put partical resist around 40%.

    I switched into my nemesis set that I use to pvp with. It has a decent amount of shadow resist and with felguard I have around 90 shadow resist. I was resisting at least 40% of the damage from each dot spell that was on me. If I didn't out right resist a dot tick I would resist sometimes 200 or more of the damage. This is significant why???

    Because Affliction suffers most from this. Demo locks have a naturally high resist rate, and Destruction Warlocks have nether protection + whatever resist gear they are wearing. I was talking to a few of the warlocks on my server and just talking to alot of the ones in various battlegrounds. Most of them had been rolling over affliction locks because they resist half the CC spells now. My one friend who is affliction said he respec'ed tonight because he can barely cast a CC spell now without CoS, so he took all his pts out of improving Corruption and CoA to free up pts to pick up Malediction, and Shadow Embrace, and toss the rest of the points into destruciton so that he can nuke.

    For me, I just stopped wearing my spellstone. I found that I was never having to click it anymore other then the rare times I get silenced by a shadow priest or mage.

    The resist rate that dots are seeing isn't really out of range in terms of what DD spells see. The problem is because a dot has so many ticks it gets 6 to 8 chances to experience these resist while DD spells are all or nothing for the most part.

    With the increased resist rate and lower damage overall of dots, it doesn't seem like they are worth it anymore. It seems nuking is the best way to go because it allows you to use the resist curses to boost damage and lower resist, while doing the best damage possible.

    Also all affliction spells seemed to have experienced this nerf not just dots. HoT, Fear, Spell Lock, Devour Magic, Seduction, Intercept, and Deathcoil all have this higher resist rate now gg.

    So what does all this mean? If you want to @*%! affliction locks, or if you play a class that is able to keep a lock from casting, all you need to do is wear around 60-70 shadow resist (which is easy to acheive with a few pieces of tier2), and you will never die to a round of dots again gg.

    I tried to figure out why more people are not seeing a big issue. I realize it's because so many people are wearing the pvp sets now which have no resist on them, and less and less people are wearing the raid sets in pvp. When I did respec afflicition to run some test with friends that are spec NP who wear nemesis, I wasn't able to kill them in 10 tries with a full round of dots. Between the resist rate now, NP, and trying to get 4 spells to land on them it's just not possible. A good destruction warlock should be able to kill a affliction lock now with no trouble at all if they know what they are doing.

    Solution? Try to combine demo/destruction specs together and if you just can't live without corruption pick it up but I wouldn't go past the second tier in the affliction tree it's just not worth it. The particial resist make dots inefficient compared to DD spells now, and the damage they deal isn't remotely comparable, and it appears dots might get nerfed somemore since they devs feel they are still overpowered.
    Do with this information what you will

  7. #1223
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    I love feral druids in the expansion - just broke my record for ferocious bite with a 3024 crit muahaha so using the catch tune for labour - things can only get better (shame they didnt for labour though hehe). Feral druids in a 5 man instance are awesome to have along.

    61 now and going nicely. Damn collectors edition only got picked up on friday

  8. #1224
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    I picked up my 'lock to have a bit of a fast mooch around the new territory (ghostlands etc), and I noticed that it's capabilities are much reduced - over in WPL the ghosts would die in a 2-3 shadow bolts with DoT's applied, now they're lasting for 4-5, doesn't seem like much, but considering this is a 60 lock against 53-55 mobs it's not so clever..

    /me goes back to playing with the BE Mage..

  9. #1225
    Anthropomorphic Personification shaithis's Avatar
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    Up to 63 on my warrior and 62 on my hunter.......damn, its going slow

    And that Drenai Shammy isn't going to level itself either
    Main PC: Asus Rampage IV Extreme / 3960X@4.5GHz / Antec H1200 Pro / 32GB DDR3-1866 Quad Channel / Sapphire Fury X / Areca 1680 / 850W EVGA SuperNOVA Gold 2 / Corsair 600T / 2x Dell 3007 / 4 x 250GB SSD + 2 x 80GB SSD / 4 x 1TB HDD (RAID 10) / Windows 10 Pro, Yosemite & Ubuntu
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  10. #1226
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    Got my lock to 60 today 7d 18h, not to shabby. On to 70!!

    Can't really comment on the lock nerfs as they have not really affected me yet. Hope there are no more tho

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  11. #1227
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stoo View Post
    I picked up my 'lock to have a bit of a fast mooch around the new territory (ghostlands etc), and I noticed that it's capabilities are much reduced - over in WPL the ghosts would die in a 2-3 shadow bolts with DoT's applied, now they're lasting for 4-5, doesn't seem like much, but considering this is a 60 lock against 53-55 mobs it's not so clever..

    /me goes back to playing with the BE Mage..
    I was dropping the lvl 58+ mobs in silithus in 2-3 sb's with dots today no problem, I do have mostly that new sick green gear tho.

    EDIT: Killing the 58+ Owlbeats in WS for the epic mount quest. Taking no time at all, 3 dots on felguard in and and 1sb.
    Last edited by Trash Man; 22-01-2007 at 07:11 PM.

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  12. #1228
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    67 on my mage. Caverns of time rocks BTW, very cool instance.

  14. #1230
    Easy Tiger!!!
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    I started a 10 day trial over the weekend as an Orc Shaman. So far its quite fun. I only have a hand-full of hours to play each week so haven't progressed too far

  15. #1231
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    Yeah I am still playing stoped for a month but the draw to TBC was to much damm games should not be this addicted.

  16. #1232
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    Have 13 level 70's in the guild already, up to 62 on my lock

    Living and dying laughing and crying
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