Sorry its more cats, but I love taking pics of them
More of Savannah my Siamese
Next is Pebbles, one of my neighbors cats
And one more as I've just finished a quick edit on it, Milly making her mark on a plant pot
Sorry its more cats, but I love taking pics of them
More of Savannah my Siamese
Next is Pebbles, one of my neighbors cats
And one more as I've just finished a quick edit on it, Milly making her mark on a plant pot
Never apologise for cat pictures! Love them!
nice kitty kitty
Some photos from the countryside today
Common Blue Butterfly
This would have been a blinding shot had the blade of grass not got in the way, then it flew off milli seconds after this... not bad for a Canon G9
My girlfriends horse, Coffee
Baby after mommy in the stable, too much cgrass and she's getting fat!
: RFNX Ste | : stegough |
Obligatory "been-to-Ibiza-sunset" photo!
Ibiza sunset Buddha BarIbiza Sunset by Rob_norb17, on Flickr
Only took my compact with me, some lovely scenery out there so kinda wishing I took my bridge now
The beach below was gorgeous, lots of potential
Ibiza Cala Gracio by Rob_norb17, on Flickr
Ibiza sunset Buddha Bar by Rob_norb17, on Flickr
rox0r (23-05-2011)
Perhaps it's a little warm, there is a bit of a colour cast to it. I'll have a tinker later tonight.
Quick tonal tweak and a little nipple twist on the curves...
rox0r nice shots mate. done using your 70-200mm? do u have any pics of using that lens in low light, no flash and with IS enabled?
can you post a few please? debating on buying that lens
Sory Josh I don't really have any 'low light' handheld shots with it, the only occasion I'd have for those conditions would be indoors and the 70-200 isn't really the beast for that job as I have the Canon f2.8 17-55 in the bag instead.
Yeah - it's particularly bad on my screen where there is a sharp transition in colour e.g. between antenna and flower, and flower and background.
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