If I can get the voltage down a touch, this'll be the 24/7 settings I think.
So i've had a flick through clunk but i've been a bit busy with exams, is your verdict that this board is as good as the P5B deluxe that you always recommended? Just i want to try and future proof a bit!
So far, its as good, and then better again.
Its too early to say if its as good as the P5B for everyone, but for me its a good un
It seems to me that the black slot is definitely mislabeled. If it can't run electrically at 16x, it shouldn't be labeled like this:
Not uncommon I think, I've seen several labeled like that. Sure it defines the electrical spec (I agree it ought to) and not the physical spec?
I guess they do expect people to RTFM with a board like this...
Its physically a 16x slot, but electrically a 4x.
I can plug in the 8800GTX and CPU-Z it tomorrow.
The HD2900XT is a slightly shorter (but fatter) card, is slower that an 8800 GTX - and looks to be about on a par with a 'full fat' 8800 GTS - but needs a 6 pin and an 8 pin power connector - Not many PSUs at the moment have a spare 8 pin.....
I think that apart from the ATi die hards - they have missed the boat this time round... the 2900 a year ago would have been awsome, now it is.... yawn.... Unless they have an XTX hidden in the cupboard... but that power requirement is not good news...
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