Hehehe, I can't believe that you are actually talking about doing something like this, let alone seriously thinking about it!
All that just to try and prove a point to people who aren't gonna care?
Personally, I think ID cards will be great, as long as it's done correctly! It should reduce credit/identity fraud, benefit fraud, illegal immigrants and therefore should benefit us all in the long run. Wether it will or not is a different question though.
All this nonsense talk about infringement of civil liberties, hahaha, sorry, but hahahaha!
I wish I had a better memory, but I'm sure there are other coutries who have to carry ID cards, and there was proof that they worked. Can't remember which country though. Am too tired right now to bother to look.
Oh, when you hack off your fingertips, or dip them into acid or whatever, get some pics up so I can laugh some more...