Actually getting quite frustrated with this game already after only playing for a few days. Started off great, had a good laugh, used the tier 1 tanks quite well and got some nice kills, damage done and wins.
Now I'm playing tier 2 and 3 more and it seems that the light tanks are just useless. I get one shot by ANYTHING I come up against, I get shot at from invisible targets, I can't hide, I can't outrun others... It just seems so pointless me even trying to play.
Yes, I know it has RPG elements, and I'm probably playing against fully upgraded T2/T3 tanks, but if that's the level of unbalance just at low tiers, getting experience to upgrade my tanks and crew is gonna take weeks of grinding as I'm hardly getting any exp for losing and not doing any damage.
So at this moment, I'm gonna have to put this down as a bit of fun for 5 minutes, but it looks like an incredibly long, boring and repetitive grind just to get to a competitive level. No thanks.