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Thread: New ATI Tuner Card.

  1. #1313
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    Quote Originally Posted by farmkid
    Is anyone else getting anxious to hear what ATI has to say in response to the questions and issues raised in this forum? The last time we heard from Andrzej, if memory serves, he said he was taking our list of concerns to ATI for answers and was going to start a new thread with them. It has been about three weeks now without even a peep from anyone connected with ATI and I'm starting to wonder if they have decided to just ignore us.

    What's up, ATI? Some of us are still waiting for answers.

    We cant even PM him! Wow.. He must have abandond us! However Michael B is still PM'able!

    But to be honist I think this thread has caused them a massive headach, its obvious ATi messed up on the 550 Pro and theres nothing that can be done about it... All we can do is hope for better drivers
    Last edited by myth; 22-04-2005 at 06:56 PM.

  2. #1314
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    Quote Originally Posted by farmkid
    Is anyone else getting anxious to hear what ATI has to say in response to the questions and issues raised in this forum? The last time we heard from Andrzej, if memory serves, he said he was taking our list of concerns to ATI for answers and was going to start a new thread with them. It has been about three weeks now without even a peep from anyone connected with ATI and I'm starting to wonder if they have decided to just ignore us.

    What's up, ATI? Some of us are still waiting for answers.
    ATI has been quiet, but it has not been idle. The big reason GBPVR now runs the 550 is because ATI provided Sub at GBPVR with the hardware and the driver support necessary to make the card work. Cudos to ATI for its efforts. I would have made very few posts if the 550 worked with GBPVR from day one. As a practical matter, I dumped the WinTV software supplied with my Hauppauge 150 when I learned GBPVR would run the card.

    My recommendation is to install GBPVR and enjoy while ATI works to address our other concerns.

    Last edited by satnav4; 22-04-2005 at 07:55 PM.

  3. #1315
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    Quote Originally Posted by satnav4
    As a practical matter, I dumped the WinTV software supplied with my Hauppauge 150 when I learned GBPVR would run the card.
    It's funny you say that. I dumped the H150 because the WinTV soft appeared... so soft. I thought if I need a 3rd party soft to make this swing like it should, why not get the card with the cozier spec, even though for 95% of whatever one does with a TV card, I doubt you could tell the difference between the two card's output.
    Still, no regrets, even smiles as I hear the PAL version has shipped, albeit at a shocking price: the weegies may be shipping my card this minute!

    To me the only really "outstanding" issue remains the too-quiet audio. ATi's gotta fix that and Myth your guesses are absolutely right. As satnav4 said, tho, ATi is doing something behind the scenes, and thanks to that we've got GPVR. So all is not lost. The ATi finger is slowly sliding out, it appears.

    islasian, if I had a dollar for everytime I've been baited and switched...
    Which doesn't make it right, of course.

  4. #1316
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    Quote Originally Posted by blakev
    ....The ATi finger is slowly sliding out, it appears.

    islasian, if I had a dollar for everytime I've been baited and switched...
    Which doesn't make it right, of course.
    I guess it's a good thing they sent Sub the parts to work with... otherwise, ppl would still be SOL.... considering I don't have this product anymore, I'm not sweating it, just watching this thread and seeing what progress people are making with this card...

    As far as the bait & switch thing... this is a first for me, I've never bought a product that was this badly marketed..... ....

    Curiously though... if you had a dollar for everytime you've been baited and much would you have .......
    ***Why are you running, you're only going to die tired...***

  5. #1317
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    Thumbs down

    Need to say I has to switch from DishNetwork to TimeWarner Digital Cable due to the fact that I had move to new place damm it and I want keep my dish box but couldn't.
    WoW Composite dosen't look good
    S/Video need 3D comb big time



    Last edited by SHSPVR; 23-04-2005 at 03:54 AM.

  6. #1318
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    That composite signal is appalling. If it weren't you SHSPVR, I'd've suspected something was wrong in the setup.
    If I remember correctly, you're on the NTSC drivers then...
    Did you hardware encode anything and test the playback? Are these image issues still there as we see them in the caps?

    Did you test with a fresh driver install? Have you got a clean OS kicking around to test on? That result is so terrible!
    Last edited by blakev; 23-04-2005 at 08:25 AM.

  7. #1319
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    Quote Originally Posted by islasian
    Curiously though... if you had a dollar for everytime you've been baited and much would you have
    uhh, well the short list is: every tv ad ever broadcast, every date with a girl under, say, 34, almost every electronic item I've ever bought, certainly every car (except the celica), every restaurant meal over 50 bucks, all wine under 25 bucks.... The only that is what it appears to be is oak furniture.
    I'm used to it: it's part of life in the zeros, I've just bought the 550 Pro, after all.

  8. #1320
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    Yes NTSC and yes where done with GraphEdit and hardware encode capture
    Odd thing was that I was also testing the 250 and 500 and they did not have that problem like what showing in the ATI composite
    The screenshot where done with MPEG-VCR and yes in playback it was there.
    Last edited by SHSPVR; 23-04-2005 at 02:30 PM.

  9. #1321
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    Quote Originally Posted by blakev
    uhh, well the short list is: every tv ad ever broadcast, every date with a girl under, say, 34, almost every electronic item I've ever bought, certainly every car (except the celica), every restaurant meal over 50 bucks, all wine under 25 bucks.... The only that is what it appears to be is oak furniture.
    I'm used to it: it's part of life in the zeros, I've just bought the 550 Pro, after all.
    .... sounds like you'ld be pretty rich by now... ..... hope you like your new card , and hopefully, better support comes out for it....
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  10. #1322
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    Quote Originally Posted by islasian
    .... sounds like you'ld be pretty rich by now... ..... hope you like your new card , and hopefully, better support comes out for it....
    If blakev gets GBPVR up and running, he will be very pleased.


  11. #1323
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    Quote Originally Posted by satnav4
    If blakev gets GBPVR up and running, he will be very pleased.

    I kinda figured that out, but thanks for pointing out the obviouse satnav4....
    ***Why are you running, you're only going to die tired...***

  12. #1324
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    Hi all,

    Would someone tell me how to set the sharpless of 550 pro.

    much thanks,

    Tim : )

  13. #1325
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    The only way you can change the sharpness right now is with gbpvr through the ffdshow filters.

  14. #1326
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    Quote Originally Posted by islasian
    I kinda figured that out, but thanks for pointing out the obviouse satnav4....
    WTF? If you returned your card, what is so obvious about my observation? You "obviously" didn't wait for GBPVR support. I don't think you have a dog in this fight--do you? Proof positive that there is a limitless supply of "dumbarses" on line. Nice spelling anyway. Do the thread a favor and ditch the useless cartoon.

    Last edited by satnav4; 24-04-2005 at 05:55 AM.

  15. #1327
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    Quote Originally Posted by satnav4
    Proof positive that there is a limitless supply...
    Ah, go easy on 'em. He's allowed to lurk and sink the odd barb, after all. Doesn't hurt he's hanging on to see if anyone from ATi ever does return and illuminate the situation. Lot's of folk are doing that cos after all the card's hardware spec is there ripe for the picking.
    Mind you, you are kinda right about the cartoon. (no offence intended, islasian)

    What really worries me is SHSPVR's situation. Could this be that something's fried from the card's excessive heat? I think I shall be looking into that heat-sink option as a first order of business.

    If this card is subject to heat issues, it's going to be serious egg on ATi face: after all, it's designed to go in a MCE box and probably run 24/7. If it can't do that, we're back to post 152 (guessing), you know, Myth's doorstopper post.

    Good news: I have a pal who's read this thread (What! Impossible!), a self-described cryptopathic-programmer, and he'll pop by once I've got it to have a look-see at this unfinished driver business.
    He's always maintained I was dreaming in thinking I could get high quality on-board hardware MPEG2 encodes from a TV card, so he's curious to see if it has finally happened. But don't hold any collective breath.

  16. #1328
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    Red face Once again, it's ON!!

    Quote Originally Posted by satnav4
    WTF? If you returned your card, what is so obvious about my observation? You "obviously" didn't wait for GBPVR support. I don't think you have a dog in this fight--do you? Proof positive that there is a limitless supply of "dumbarses" on line. Nice spelling anyway. Do the thread a favor and ditch the useless cartoon.

    Wow.. here you go again. Don’t get your “panties” in a bunch. The “obvious” is that people actually know how to read, and individuals that read this thread (i.e. blakev), would know that about the 550 working nicely with GBPVR. So, your reply was useless in pointing that out.
    And why should I “obviously” wait for GBPVR. Did ATI state that anywhere on their site that GBPVR will be coming out to support the 550PRO? No, I don’t think so. So, that part of your reply is also “useless”. I used to own the 550PRO, but I didn't like how ATI was handling the customer care side of things for this card. I did something about it by selling it, moving on, and not letting it consume me as I have more important things in my life than to worry about an $85 dollar tuner card.

    And what fight would you be talking about? There is no fight!

    “Dumbarses”?? You must be referring to yourself. Only uneducated individuals verbally attack other forum members, which puts you in that category of limitless on-line users.

    LOL… Unless you’re not going to make a spelling/grammatical error in ANY of your post “Mr. Spelling Bee” champ, you shouldn’t be calling people out on their spelling. Nice spelling anyway.. is that even a complete sentence? If you look at your 2 previous posts, “Cudos” is supposed to be “Kudos” This is from *Webster online*:

    The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion below or try again using the search box to the right.

    Suggestions for cudos:
    1. kudos
    2. kudus
    3. koodoos
    4. Kudus
    5. codas
    6. cuddies
    7. Caddos
    8. kudzu
    9. cuds
    10. coydogs
    11. kudzus

    Nothing like having someone think they are better than another by trying to point out other peoples flaws without looking in the mirror first.
    You’ve posted 230+ post in this forum, all of them are in this thread except for 1, and you’re obsessed with this card, OMG, get a life and move on….

    And how would I be doing the thread a favor by ditching “avatars” in my signature? Please educate us forum members that have such “useless cartoon” in our signatures. I’m really curious to hear your reasoning. I would like to share your reasoning with other members of the forum so they too can see the light and ditch their “useless cartoons” in their signatures. Feel free to PM me anytime, as to not clutter this thread if you want to trade punches.
    P.S. - Just to educate you satnav4, check out this link Ninjai, it's where I got my "avatars" from, it's a Flash Animation series that's been around for a couple of years.
    Quote Originally Posted by blakev
    Mind you, you are kinda right about the cartoon. (no offence intended, islasian)
    Blakev, no offense taken. But, I’m curious to know your reasoning as well. Are you jumping on the satnav4 bandwagon? You didn’t mention this in any of your previous threads, so I'm curious...
    Last edited by islasian; 24-04-2005 at 11:41 AM.
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