Well, this has been an enlightening 48 hours. I've probably sunk over 12 hours into e:d already, and am on my way to 70k credits. I'm still on the original sidewinder and have only added a heatsink to help cool-down between FSD warps.
I'm planning on buying an Adder once I've accrued enough points, but so far am really enjoying it.
I've encountered some weird stuttering / distortion in the audio that occurs occasionally. I find if I quit to the main menu and then drop back into game it cures it, and it occurs mostly on open play rather than solo. I've a friend who's experienced the same issue so I guess it's a game issue rather than my system.
I'm looking forward to future updates of the game - particularly planetary drop-in which is supposedly coming soon, and some more random events throughout systems. I'd also like to see more going on at stations - advertising, human movement, droids / drones buzzing around - that kinda thing.
If you want to add me, my username is RusherB.