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  1. Intel Sandy Bridge tested!
  2. New graphics card 5770 or 5830?
  3. Advice for PC Desk
  4. Motherboard Help
  5. 24" TFT but low budget
  6. A question about spinning down HDDs...
  7. power supplies which on from my list
  8. ok which system and why - scan built
  9. Double check that I'm not being a total twonk.
  10. What laptop? Possibly refurb
  11. Something completely different - Component return rates.
  12. HTPC case recommendations
  13. Help Please :(
  14. How do you distinguish between Macbooks?
  15. where can i buy sticky pads for my mouse
  16. Telephone port/socket(?) wiring?
  17. Fractal Design PSUs
  18. Something fell off my motherboard! Need replacement.
  19. Best 65nm Processor
  20. Who's up for a little bit of techy fun?
  21. Dell Outlet - Did I buy a dud?
  22. HELP! My laptop has died.
  23. Price check please - Laptop
  24. CPUs
  25. Upgrade recommendations
  26. Budget AMD CPU Cooler Advise
  27. Corsair PSU OEMs
  28. Compaq NX6110 Charging Problem. Strange!
  29. !!CHEAP!! Gaming system advice.
  30. New comp for Granddad
  31. Price Check guys if you could spare a minute :)
  32. Wife's laptop - not charging
  33. Hard disk or Mobo?
  34. New home setup (need help/advice)
  35. overclock help for amd x4 630.
  36. Having a nightmare motherboard/ram problem.
  37. New gaming rig ...
  38. Where can I get this from??
  39. Need input for system I'm building
  40. Xonar Xense
  41. The quality of Shuttle SFF Barebone systems is going downhill!
  42. NAS advice
  43. Drivers ruining my life
  44. Where can i buy ...
  45. HD4870x2 - How Much Should I Pay For One Used?
  46. Core 2 Duo or Core 2 Quad
  47. DFI leaves consumer motherboard business?
  48. Best netbook out there?
  49. Review requests
  50. Windows 7 and soundblaster cards question
  51. Which case would you choose?
  52. How Can I Package This
  53. System Upgrade Help
  54. Where is GIGABYTE in UK?
  55. Inspiron 11z under £450 - good deal?
  56. How much of an upgrade will this be for WOW?
  57. Best laptop, for £600 with a numpad ?
  58. Corsair launch Corsair Professional Series Gold series PSUs
  59. Best place to sell my PC?
  60. The founder off AGEIA leaves nvidia and moved to ATI
  61. Watercooling upgrade advise
  62. new system required, best CPU?
  63. Price Check: Zotac Nvidia 9800GT
  64. Selling desktop - how much is it worth?
  65. What to do with these 4 Drives...
  66. Reccomendations for a s775 mobo
  67. HP Laptop Battery Recall
  68. OCZ StealthXStream II
  69. Conclusion - New Case Required
  70. HTPC Graphics Advice
  71. Media companies tell Apple they are still going to use flash!
  72. Core i7 875K reviews
  73. cheapest 8 core computing - video encoding/editing/folding
  74. Do you get your faulty hdd back when you return it under warrenty
  75. Intel Q2WV
  76. How to make best use of my pile of HDDs??
  77. 850W PSU ok for a 5970 + 5850 ?
  78. New PSU
  79. Advice on this rig.
  80. Changed things around, now pc can't boot
  81. Can I still use onboard sound as well as my new sound card ?
  82. To C4 or not to C4, that is the question
  83. Little PC
  84. Who Manufactures Coolermaster's PSU
  85. experience with Accelero twin turbo pro
  86. HDD Configurations for Virtual Machines
  87. Ipad alternatives - what are they?
  88. CPU bottleneck article
  89. Thecus n7700pro
  90. Questions about noise
  91. <><> Budget Laptop <><>
  92. Intel M25-M Gen2 and X25-M. Whats the diff?
  93. I agree with this... 100%
  94. Planning to dump old hardware
  95. A budget build for £250
  96. Overheating Hard drives
  97. Real silent PSU
  98. Which am3 chipset?
  99. Price check - Computer Q9550/DDR3
  100. Watercooling advice
  101. Dual slot graphics card capable PC-Q07!
  102. New Build Advice
  103. Biostar TH55 XE review
  104. More low profile cooler advice
  105. What to do with my laptop?
  106. Optical in sound card..
  107. Alienware M11x goes i3, i5 and i7 treatment
  108. i5 overclocking query
  109. All cheap keyboards are not created the same
  110. Can anyone recommend a reliable capture card with up to 8 channels, please??
  111. Newer Samsung F3 drives have issues with the SB850 southbridge
  112. DDC 3.2 Pump noise
  113. Quick question - 3x5m usb leads + hub - will the hub need to be powered?
  114. choice between 2 soundcards.
  115. Overclock my aging pc
  116. My New Build - Queries
  117. Good PC bad PC... help fixing blue screen cold boot
  118. New base unit
  119. Pundit P1-AH2 dont start
  120. New intel i5 and i7 CPU's may2010
  121. SATA controller card problem
  122. Speakers for PC and Xbox 360
  123. 5870 a waste for this rig?
  124. Nvidia 8400 GM in a Sony Laptop
  125. Looking for a laptop any ideas
  126. A Silent tardis!
  127. 'Upgrading' a PC
  128. HDD shopping 1/2 or 1 tb f3?
  129. Future watercooling loop.... pros cons and any changes?
  130. Please recommend a £350 base unit for work.
  131. Third party fan grills or the default ones?
  132. Motherboard/CPU/RAM Question...
  133. 4 bay NAS for under £400
  134. What are the multiplier's available to me on a QX6700?
  135. Lian Li q07 - fitting GPU
  136. Help with a new computer specification.
  137. eSATA query
  138. eSata 2,5" HDD enclosure reccomendations
  139. J & W Minix785G-SP128M now available from Scan
  140. 'Gaming' Laptop for about £700 (+/-)
  141. strange multiplier on my new i7 920
  142. Is the 5830 worth getting
  143. i3/i5 Mini PCs
  144. two soundcards?
  145. new m\b and cpu for whs build
  146. Differential diagnosis for boot/screen problems
  147. Q6600 + ?
  148. Gaming mouse £25-£40?
  149. CPU Speed now showing/operating correctly in windows..
  150. PCI or USB wireless card?
  151. Opinions & experiences sought on this Vaio
  152. Lian Li PC-T7
  153. AMD fusion to be released this year?!
  154. mATX case, PSU and Windows 7 advice
  155. Wanted: Someone to test an AM2+ Phenom
  156. Plextor dvd rw where to buy?
  157. Firewire expresscard
  158. Networking advice needed
  159. Thinking about watercooling...
  160. Project Muppet-II
  161. Which Power supply ???
  162. Modest Gaming PC advice/guidance needed.
  163. Oldest part in your main rig?
  164. Question about hot swap
  165. Recommend me a decent power supply please
  166. Price Check: HTPC System (Lovely)
  167. Cheapest firewire 800 card - Windows 7 ?
  168. External optical drive enclosure
  169. Laptop I think has hardware fault....any ideas?
  170. Hawker's Upgrade...finally finished!!
  171. News Just In: No Phenom II X4 960T for general release?
  172. PSU: what to get?
  173. my upgrade
  174. Quick i7 spec check
  175. Hard drives + raid... performance boost?
  176. Scan is now selling the 450W Silverstone SST-ST45SF for the SG05 and SG06!
  177. Corsair 800D, Watercooled log
  178. Water pump suggestions?
  179. Slow pc loading.
  180. Best and Cheapest way to get old PC Wireless
  181. pc memory prices, when will they drop?
  182. 13inch Macbook Pro (2010)
  183. which memory kit?
  184. Opinions appreciated on this cheap home PC & whether it's good value
  185. Best/ideal sound card to use with Roccat Kave 5.1 USB headphones ?
  186. FSP Saga II
  187. Motherboard advise - M4A79XTD EVO
  188. Which all in one printer?
  189. whoop just got a HP mini 210
  190. Price Check: Antec 1200
  191. 3d Mark Vantage CPU score?
  192. Strange loud high pitched noise coming from p.c.
  193. 4 pin USB ok for motherboard USB header?
  194. Enthuisiast/Gaming Rig on a £700 Budget!
  195. Buying another laptop charger
  196. Quieten CPU Fan
  197. New Motherboard
  198. Cases with USB 3.0
  199. My computer keeps freezing while trying to install my sound card ?
  200. Reading NTFS files on another PC
  201. CPU and Mobo upgrade?
  202. guarantee OCZ & AMD?
  203. RAID5 Solution and Advice
  204. Am I Trimming?
  205. Would You Like to Set Your Legs On Fire?
  206. SAS vs. SATA
  207. CoolIT Omni mounting suggestions
  208. help with TV + remote control on PC
  209. Fractal Design Array Mini ITX NAS Case
  210. Lan Gear Inc Mini-ITX Case
  211. Meaker is going HEX.
  212. A good keyboard needed
  213. Microsoft Arc Keyboard/Mouse
  214. I thought auto overclockers under estimated
  215. The reason to not let the general public review your kit
  216. Please help on mobo bundle
  217. Sapphire IPC-AM3DD785G AM3 mini ITX motherboard review!
  218. Torn between a Revo & a Laptop
  219. So - time to buy - 2 x 5850 or 1 x GTX480 plus Mobo Q
  220. Lexmark printer - have I made a mistake?
  221. Samsung "PCM" Memory
  222. Upgrading to an i5 Suggestions?
  223. Fan for H50 radiator ?
  224. getting sound from digital audio/toslink
  225. Mini-ITX NAS case
  226. Logitech G7 Battery
  227. price check
  228. Need opinions on a few cases...
  229. 8 pin fan connectors
  230. Monitor Backlight Problems
  231. Advice on psu/case for new build pse
  232. 1tb hdd suggestions
  233. BSOD help please
  234. PC Reboots on it's own
  235. Fan dying? Or need oiling?
  236. MSI K9A2 Platinum
  237. TV under £500?
  238. Core i7 mobo suggestion pls
  239. Price Check
  240. NAS or similar...
  241. Silk I7 Bundle ASUS P6X58D Premium SATA 6 question
  242. Spec a custom build for me
  243. RMA'd P5N72T Premium - sell, swap or keep?
  244. Oh no! The Floppy Disk's time may be numbered soon...
  245. HTPC Newbie - am I overspeccing?
  246. CPU or GPU Upgrade?
  247. Hex core amd
  248. Should I Upgrade Or Not?
  249. Networking Gurus, in here please :)
  250. which 500gb hdd??